Community Calendar

Public may submit events for inclusion on our event calendar. Events must be held in the region served by the Stayton Sublimity Chamber OR events affliated with their local members. They must be open to the public. Only Chamber members may submit events related to their business. For questions call the Chamber office at 503-769-3464. To submit an event click Submit New Event below.

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SIGN-UPS Track & Field with NSYA | Stayton

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Event Description:

NSYA: North Santiam Youth Athleticss

Track & Field registration is open through the end of March!

We are also looking to fill a couple coaching positions:
*2nd & 3rd graders
*4th & 5th graders

We have an amazing Track & Field Director, Andrew Church, and we look forward to having more volunteers to help with this growing program.

Date/Time Information:
Enrollment ends March 29th
Scholarships Available
Set a Reminder:
Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.
