Epoxy Resin 101 Class | AM Resin Design Stayton

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Name: Epoxy Resin 101 Class | AM Resin Design Stayton
Date: April 17, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM - 6:00 PM PDT
Event Description:
AM Resin Designs
Epoxy Resin 101 Class

Epoxy Resin 101 : 

Beginner class: If you've not worked with epoxy resin, this is the first class to You will learn the basics of mixing, coloring, creating natural stone like finishes or if you'd like to learn abstract ways of blending designs with different techniques. 

Class cost is $75 for a 3 hour class with includes 2 project board and all the supplies to do your projects. I will apply a clear coat of resin on your projects and the next day sand off the drips from the resin and paint the backs of the projects to make it complete.

AM Resin Design
570 N 3rd Avenue
Stayton, OR
Date/Time Information:
Wednesday, April 17th
@ 6 PM
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Printed courtesy of www.staytonsublimitychamber.org – Contact the Stayton Sublimity Chamber of Commerce for more information.
175 E. High St, Stayton, OR 97383 – 503 769 3464 – info@staytonsublimitychamber.org